Examination Timetables:
January 2025
The new exam timetable is now published here. All exams that have been centrally scheduled as online will be released via Blackboard. All other exams will take place in the location indicated.
The ‘open’ period of online exams allows longer to complete the work than you will need, but allows students some flexibility around their circumstances at this time (for example, those who may have other responsibilities, such as childcare), and ensures that the assignments are inclusive for those students who have a PLSP in place (for example with extra time). The open period varies – if you require further information on the open period or format of the exam, please also check the individual Blackboard sites and/ or contact the Module Organiser directly.
This exam timetable covers only those exams that would normally take place in Examination Rooms and/or were requested to be scheduled centrally. If you were expecting to see exams for modules that are not included on it, please check the individual Blackboard sites and/or contact the Module Organiser directly.
If you have a query regarding a specific module/assessment please check your module’s Blackboard site or contact the Module Organizer.
Students with PLSPs (Personal Learning Support Plans) must book examination adjustments prior to EVERY end of semester in person on campus exam as soon as the timetables are published. More information about booking examination adjustments.
- School of Arts, Culture and Language
- Bangor Business School
- School of Computer Science and Engineering
- School of Environmental and Natural Sciences
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences
- North Wales Medical School
- School of Ocean Sciences
- School of Psychology and Sports Science
- School of Welsh
Timetable last updated: Thursday 9 January 2025 10:26
Please be aware that the exam timetable is liable to change at short notice and therefore these pages should be checked regularly for the latest updates.