Examination Procedures
Instructions to Candidates at Examinations
1. Admission Slips
All examinees must hand in a completed admission slip as they enter the Examination Room. Attendance slips are obtainable from the tables in the Main Arts Building Reception and outside all Examination Rooms.
2. Entrance To Examination Rooms
All rooms
Candidates should assemble outside the room concerned and may enter only on the instruction of the invigilator. Question papers will be collected from the front of the examination room.
Candidates are reminded that they will NOT be permitted to cross the PJ Foyer area once the exam papers are being distributed OR whilst exams are in progress in the PJ. The route from the Old Arts Building to the New Arts Building must be via the car park.
Candidates are reminded to bring their student ID cards to the examinations-Â The card should be placed on the top right hand side of your exam desk with the picture facing upwards throughout the period of the exam.
3. Timing of Examinations
All candidates should report punctually to the appropriate examination room.
Candidates will not be admitted until 10 minutes before the examination is due to start. No candidates will be allowed to enter the examination room more than half-an-hour after the start, or to leave until 45 minutes after the time fixed for the commencement of the examination in each subject. (Times may vary for shorter examinations).
The presiding examiner will announce the time fifteen minutes before the end of each examination period. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room during the last 15 minutes of an examination.
4. Handing-in of Answer Scripts
All examination scripts should be put, as instructed by the presiding examiner, in the appropriate place at the front of the Examination Room.
5. Examination Materials
Students may take into an examination room only materials authorised by examiners. It is strictly prohibited to bring unauthorised materials, or an unauthorised form of materials, into an examination room.
6. Absence from Examinations
If a candidate for an Honours degree is absent because of illness, accident or close bereavement from examination papers, special steps may be taken to deal with the situation (which may include the setting of supplementary papers).
7. Unfair Practice
A candidate suspected of unfair practice shall be informed by the invigilator that the circumstances will be reported. Such a candidate may continue with that or subsequent examinations without prejudice to any subsequent investigation and decision by the University. Failure by an invigilator to warn a candidate at the time of examination shall not prejudice subsequent investigation by the University of any allegation made against a candidate. (See separate notice headed ‘DON’T CHEAT’).
Exam Support Room Provision
As usual an Exam Support Room will be staffed during the whole examination period. This will be located on the First Floor, New Arts Building.
Candidates who are unwell on the day of an examination or are taken ill during examinations can sit (or continue) examination in this room.
Candidates who know in advance that they will need to take examinations in the Exam Support Room are asked to register their exams adjustment requirements via the request centre on My Bangor. This enables us to provide papers on time in the room and also to notify Examining Boards of Special Circumstances.
Special Circumstances
It is essential that any circumstances which a student feels may have an adverse effect on his/her academic performance or attendance be brought to the attention of the student’s tutor at the time of their occurrence. Furthermore, students are advised to ensure that all other members of staff concerned are aware of any such circumstances which may affect their academic progress.
All students are reminded that examining boards have the right to take into account any special circumstances which might have affected a student’s performance in examinations, or any other assessment.
If any student is of the opinion that there are such special circumstances affecting his/her performance in the examinations, or any other assessment, the student should inform his/her tutor as soon as possible and complete and submit the ‘Special Circumstances’ request in the on MyBangor as soon as possible.
Provision for Disabled Students
For further information contact Disability Services.
Warning to all Students – DON’T CHEAT!
Îá°®³Ô¹Ï take very seriously any acts of ‘unfair practice’ by students in their coursework or in examinations.
‘Unfair practice’ means:
- Engaging in plagiarism by using other people’s work and submitting it for examination or assessment as though it were one’s own work.
- Taking unauthorised materials (such as a book or loose papers of any kind) or any source of unauthorised information into an examination room.
- Communicating with another person in an examination room.
- Copying or using in any other way unauthorised materials or the work of any other candidate.
- Impersonating an examination candidate or allowing oneself to be impersonated.
- Claiming to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or any form of research which one has not in fact carried out, or claiming to have obtained results which have not in fact been obtained.
If any allegations of unfair practice by students are substantiated, the consequences are extremely serious: it can result in the student’s subsequent exclusion from the University and disqualification from any future University examination.