Academic Integrity
The University wants to give all students an equal chance to succeed, and to develop your full potential, and we have a lot of support to help you.
The University is also committed to boosting academic integrity. Academic integrity means being honest, trustworthy, hardworking, fair and respectful when creating and submitting work, and applies to both examinations and coursework (including written, and oral work, dissertations and theses).
It is important that the work you submit is your own, that you tell us about problems as they happen, and that you follow some basic rules, such as those at the bottom of this page.
But we know that succeeding with your studies might be difficult.
Feeling stressed or a lack of motivation? Struggling to finish on time? Worried about references, or English? Want to improve, but you’re just not sure how to?
Does it seem easier to give up, or to buy an essay?
Stop and Think!
Why do you want to cheat? Is there an alternative option?
What if you get caught?
What will you learn if you pay someone else to do your work?
Do you even know if the essay you want to buy will get the grade you want?
You have already paid for your course and for all of our free and friendly help. Why not start there?
Seek Advice…
Each student has a personal tutor. You can find out who your personal tutor is on MyBangor. This is a member of academic staff who can offer you appropriate, timely, and confidential help with problems affecting your studies.
The Teaching and Learning Team helps students to improve on note-taking, exam and presentation skills, planning and time management skills, maths and statistics skills, use of and referencing evidence, locating relevant sources, essay/report structure and style, developing an argument, critical reading and writing, self-editing skills, and using feedback and assessment criteria, in confidential one-to-one appointments or group workshops.
The Library offers modules, workshops, and small group or individual appointments to provide assistance with using appropriate resources, guidance on search techniques, strategies for undertaking good quality research, advice on plagiarism and referencing, using referencing tools like Mendeley, support with systematic reviews, copyright, and getting published.
There are also lots of handbooks in the library and online resources that you can use, especially in the middle of the night, when there is no one around to ask for help.
Help with assignments, exams, presentations, maths and stats, taking notes, time management:
Help with personal problems, including disabilities, finances, halls, employment advice:
Imagine how exciting Graduation will be once your have completed your Degree and you can be proud about your achievements. Think about how well you will do in your career because of all the knowledge and skills you have. You cannot buy these, but can only gain them through your work at University.
The serious bit…
You must read and follow these rules and regulations.
Academic Integrity Procedure: /regulations/procs/proc05.php.en
General Regulations for all Students: /regulations/regulations/reg13.php.en
Library Acceptable Use Policy: /library/about/acceptable-use.php.en
IT Acceptable Use Policy: /itservices/policies/accept_use.php
For all other academic regulations, please see: /regulations/index.php.en
We wish you all the very best with your course, and hope to see you at the Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Skills Centre, Library, or your Tutor’s Office soon!