Succeed with your Studies
Help with assignments, exams, presentations, maths and stats, taking notes, time management: Office hours (9am-5pm)
During normal office hours, there are a number of people who can offer you help and support:
- Your module tutor who is teaching you can answer questions about the content of the course, the requirements of particular assignments, reading suggestions, and feedback about work you have had marked. You can speak to them at the end of your lectures, send them an email, book an appointment to speak to them, or go to their office during their specific office hours without an appointment.
- The Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Skills Centre offers confidential one-to-one writing and/or study skills appointments for students who wish to improve their writing style, referencing, planning and editing, essay structure, critical analysis/argument skills, notetaking, presentation and examination skills, time management, and use of feedback and assessment criteria.
It is useful to bring a sample of your work, such as the assignment you are currently working on, to discuss with the mentor.
You can book appointments here:
- The Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Skills Centre also offer appointments and drop-in sessions for maths and statistics skills improvement.
- There are interactive group workshops provided by the Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Skills Centre on a range of topics.
- Academic Support Librarians can offer help with finding reading material for assignments, referencing styles and tools, guidance on search techniques, systematic reviews, copyright, and getting published.
- For English language support, ELCOS provide a range of courses for which the fees vary.
- ELCOS also provide modules you can audit or take for credit.
- If you would like someone to show you how to use an IT application such as Microsoft Office, you can drop into the IT department in Deiniol Road Library.
The serious bit…
You must read and follow these rules and regulations.
Academic Integrity Procedure: /regulations/procs/proc05.php.en
General Regulations for all Students: /regulations/regulations/reg13.php.en
Library Acceptable Use Policy: /library/about/acceptable-use.php.en
IT Acceptable Use Policy: /itservices/policies/accept_use.php
For all other academic regulations, please see: /regulations/index.php.en