"A Phoenix Rises": A grand reunion of the School of Ocean Sciences Alumni (SOSA) to celebrate the completion of Marine Centre Wales
Over the past three years, the old Westbury Mount house and associated buildings in Menai Bridge, that have housed Marine Sciences and Marine Scientists at Bangor University since the late fifties and sixties, have been demolished, recycled and have disappeared. As a result of very generous EU funding, a 21st century Phoenix, 'Marine Centre Wales' is rising from the ashes and is nearing completion.
To celebrate this fabulous 21st century addition to the School's building portfolio, the School of Ocean Sciences Alumni will be hosting a grand reunion on the weekend of June 27th/28th 2015. The primary event is a celebratory evening at Reichel Hall in Bangor to include drinks/nibbles, a three course meal with wine and ceilidh featuring the local band 'Mooncoin'. Several other events have also been organised for the Saturday afternoon -- including a rib-ride through the "Swellies" in the Menai Strait followed by an afternoon tea and cakes get together at Dylan's restaurant in Menai Bridge, overlooking the Menai Strait.
On Sunday morning, there will be tours of the RV Prince Madog (availability permitting), laboratories and of the new Marine Centre Wales.
Bookings and payments for the above events are now open for business and should be made via the SOS online shop by visiting
If you do not have access to the internet, a booking can be made through the School of Ocean Sciences by filling in the attached Event Booking Form and sending it, with a cheque made payable to Îá°®³Ô¹Ï, to:
Dr David Assinder,
Deputy College Manager,
College of Natural Sciences,
School of Ocean Sciences,
Menai Bridge,
Anglesey LL59 5AB
Please note that places for the weekend's events are limited and bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis. Alumni and their partners/families are all welcome.
Further details can be found hereAbout SOSA
One of SOSA’s primary activities is the organisation of reunions for former students and staff. To date, these have been held in North Wales and have been arranged around graduate decades or key anniversaries. However, the first London reunion was held in March 2012 to coincide with the Oceanology International exhibition and conference. The reunions are always very enjoyable events and provide an excellent opportunity to catch up with old colleagues and friends.
Organise a reunion...
If you are interested in getting involved or hosting a reunion then please contact us: