Modiwl XPE-4214:
Subject Studies in Secondary E
Subject Studies in Secondary Education 2024-25
School of Education
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Emma Bishop
This module focusses on the content and pedagogic knowledge of ATs' specialist subject.
ATs will study the importance of addressing learners’ needs within the Four Purposes of Learning, and how their subject is situated within the Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs). ATs' will also develop enquiry skills and investigate how learners learn in their subject , developing as reflective teachers who can improve teaching through researching their own practice.
The module will be delivered through Subject Studies lectures and Subject Enrichment Days in Network Schools.
The module aligns with the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership in Wales, and provides a scaffold for the ATs' demonstration of the standards in practice within secondary education. In addition, the strands of research literacy, core academic skills development and meta-cognition inform the module throughout.
ATs will study: • a range of current evidence-based approaches to the teaching of their specialist subject and related curriculum areas, enabling them to teach effective lessons in context. All approaches will be analysed within the contexts of established learning theories.
• theories and principles of assessment and how they are linked to practice in terms of pedagogy, learning and notions of progress within the specialist subject and related curriculum areas;
• the nature and aims of the specialist subject and related curriculum areas within the Welsh National Curriculum, including programmes of study, GCSE and A level specifications, transitions from different phases and, where appropriate, vocational qualifications;
• how literacy, numeracy and digital technology across the curriculum can be developed and applied where relevant within the specialist subject;
• how personal literacy, numeracy, digital and thinking skills can be developed and applied within the specialist subject;
• how specialist subject tutors and mentors can model the use of Welsh within context and within the specialised subject. ATs will have the opportunity to develop use of the Welsh language within the specialist subject; from beginners to fluent speakers who wish to enhance their writing skills.
• the methods, methodologies, and ethics of small-scale professional enquiry.
The content and delivery of the module will encourage ATs to analyse subject specific pedagogical research. ATs will analyse and critically reflect on research that informs teaching practice specific to subjects within the six AoLEs. The module will develop a culture of enquiry and emphasise the importance of participating in Professional Learning Communities. ATs will also undertake a small scale practice-based enquiry.
The Four Purposes of the curriculum areas will be embedded throughout the module, developing children as:* - ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives; - enterprising, capable contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; - ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world;  - healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Research Methods and Methodology The content and delivery of the module will encourage ATs to offer advanced critical review of the importance of being consumers and producers of age specific pedagogical research. They will analyse, synthesise and critically reflect on the spectrum of research that informs teaching practice specific to age range and AoLEs. ATs will also be encouraged to offer advanced critical evaluation of practice-based or close-to-practice research. The module will encourage mastery of what it means to develop a ‘culture of enquiry’ within self-improving school systems (such as within individual departments), schools as learning organisations, and the importance of developing and participating in Professional Learning Communities. ATs will also be given the opportunity to undertake a small scale practice based enquiry.
Progression in Bilingualism ATs will study the aims and goals of bilingual education from the different perspectives, to include the specific issues associated with assessment of bilinguals, and the expected and realistic outcomes for different types of bilinguals. ATs will be taught subject specific bilingual pedagogical approaches, alongside those with a more general application (to include trans-languaging, monolingual/bilingual discourse).
ALN, Inclusion and Differentiation Barriers to learning will be explored critically with particular attention given to additional learning needs (ALN) including neurodiversity in a variety of curriculum subjects within the 3-11 age range. ATs will reflect critically on how complex social, cultural, emotional and personal influences may affect learners' progress. ATs will explore how to plan and provide for those who speak English or Welsh as an additional language.
Health and Well-being They will study how to develop the role of learners as ethical and informed citizens of Wales and the wider world, ensuring that the health and well-being of learners is promoted where appropriate and to embed equality and diversity in all aspects of their practice.
Assessment Strategy
Satisfactory (C) All learning outcomes will have been produced to a satisfactory level. Knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by a satisfactory range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will have demonstrated satisfactory evidence of critical analysis when reflecting on teaching and learning. Students will have developed their study skills to a satisfactory standard and will be able to communicate to a satisfactory standard in a professional and academic context.
Good (B) Most learning outcomes will have been produced at a good level. Excellence in some learning outcomes may compensate for satisfactory attainment in others. A good knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by a good range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will provide good critical analysis when reflecting on a significant range of teaching and learning styles. Students will have developed good study skills and will be able to communicate to a good standard in professional and academic contexts.
Excellent (A) Most learning outcomes will have been produced at an excellent level. A good knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by an excellent range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will provide excellent critical analysis when reflecting on a significant range of teaching and learning styles. Students will have developed excellent study skills and will be able to communicate to an excellent standard in professional and academic contexts.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically analyse the nature and aims of the specialist subject and AoLe within the Welsh National Curriculum
- Design, implement and critically evaluate a small-scale practice-based enquiry.
- Plan, teach and critically evaluate lessons which are informed by research and principles of teaching and learning in the subject specialism and AoLe
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Lesson Îá°®³Ô¹Ï presentation. For details of the assignment, refer to the module handbook.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Professional Enquiry For details of the assignment, refer to the module handbook
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Practitioner Enquiry Research Proposal with Ethics Form. Further Details will be provided in the course handbook.
Due date