Modiwl ENS-4316:
Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Tour
AFFS Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Tour 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 2
15 credits
Module Organiser:
Bid Webb
This module gives you the opportunity to see the practical application of natural resource management principles that are discussed in other parts of the programme. During visits to areas which are managed for a range of food production objectives, you will meet and discuss with different stakeholders and collect information relevant to a specific research topic. The assessment will develop your understanding of: (1) the current food and land-use strategies/policies in a specific region; (2) the impact of food/land-use policy on state, private-sector and community land resource management; (3) the role of agroforestry in delivering national policy objectives.
(1) the current food/environment/land-use strategies/policies in a specific country/region;
(2) the impact of food/environment/land-use strategies/policies on state, private-sector and community land resource management;
(3) the role of agroforestry in delivering national/regional policy objectives;
(4) project and hypothesis design and execution.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold (50% / -C) The reports show evidence of ability to collate information from a variety of sources; the majority of the material included is relevant although some relevant literature sources are not included. An attempt has been made to link the principles and theory described in the reports to the practice(s) seen during the trip. The reports give a factually correct account of topics discussed during the field trip, including some quantitative information. The reports are logically structured, the majority of the writing is clear, and referencing uses a standard system.
-good (60% / -B) The reports show evidence of ability to collate and appraise information from a variety of sources; all of the material included is relevant and most of the important literature sources are included. The links between the principles and theory described in the report and the practice(s) seen during the trip are discussed. The reports give a comprehensive account of topics discussed during the field trip, including considerable quantitative information. The reports are logically structured and well written, with only minor typographical errors and very few mistakes in the referencing
-excellent (70% / -A) The reports show evidence of ability to collate and critically appraise information from a variety of sources; all of the material included is relevant and all the important literature sources are included. The links between the principles and theory described in the report to the practice(s) seen during the trip are fully and thoughtfully discussed. The reports give a comprehensive and critical account of topics discussed during the field trip, including considerable quantitative information. The report is logically structured and well written, with only minor typographical errors and no mistakes in the referencing.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply principles, theories and frameworks to locally specific conditions
- Formulate, conduct and communicate qualitative, need-driven research
- Identify and critically evaluate the key ecological, socio-economic and political influences on the management of land resources by different groups of people.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Group research proposal Brief policy review of national and regional policy from the study area (i.e. food, agriculture, land-use, environment) in relation to the group topic. Formulate a research question/objectives and devise a research project (methods only) to investigate how agroforestry in practice is delivering on the national and regional policy. 2500 words max. plus references. A group mark is awarded, but you may score higher or lower. The group mark is moderated by peer assessment so that individual grades reflect individual contribution.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Group research report  Complete the research project identified in assignment 1 (i.e. results and discussion). 3000 words max. plus references. A group mark is awarded, but you may score higher or lower. The group mark is moderated by peer assessment so that individual grades reflect individual contribution.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Individual integrating and reflective report  Referring to ALL group reports, discuss the actual and potential role of agroforestry as a component of the food system in the study area. 1000 words max. plus references.
Due date