Teaching Fellowships
Aims of the Bangor Teaching Fellowship Scheme
- To recognise the importance and impact of excellent teaching, of enhancing students’ learning experience and of the support provided to students.
- To recognise individuals who have had an expansive influence on teaching at Bangor.
- To celebrate the University’s commitment to teaching excellence and student support.
Number to be awarded
There are no constraints on the number of fellowships that may be awarded annually. However, the selection committee may, at its discretion, restrict the number of fellowships to ensure that the contribution of individuals is properly, and uniquely, acknowledged when fellowships are awarded.
The Award
Teaching Fellowships are awarded to individuals who have made an evidence-based, outstanding contribution to teaching, learning, assessment and/or related areas of supporting student learning within Bangor. The award is based on the Panel’s judgement.
Heads of School will write a 1000-word nomination which will outline the candidate’s excellence in their individual teaching practice, highlighting the impact they have had at School-level (and beyond), and their engagement with teaching and scholarship professional development activities. In addition to the written nomination, the submission will include an appendix which will provide evidence of the nominee’s contribution, and this may include; module evaluations, Student-Led Teaching Award nominations, external examiner comments, pedagogical publications, evidence of module/programme developments successfully implemented by the nominee, successful HEA Fellowship application, successful PGCertHE portfolio, NTFS award, and so on.
The Head of School will be responsible for electronically submitting the written nomination and the appendix to Heledd Selwyn (Student Administration) by June 14th 2021. There are no template forms or example documents.
Nominations are considered by a Teaching Fellowships Panel, which reports to the Teaching & Learning Strategy Group and Senate. The Panel is chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Nicky Callow, and comprises the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, a member of CELT, two Teaching Fellows and one Student Union representative.
The Panel will consider the nominations and may, at its discretion, interview the applicant(s).
Award Presentation
The Fellowship will be announced in the Staff Bulletin, and on the University’s social media, during summer 2021. The recipient will be given the formal title Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Teaching Fellow, and an invitation to join the Academy of Teaching Fellows.