Additional Contact Information
01248 382839
Teaching and Supervision
Introduction to Historic Archaeology
Archaeological Techniques and Principles
Graffti: Marking Space and Time
Life on the Edge:Â Roman Frontiers
Research Interests
Biography and Research Interests
Karen completed her BA (History with Archaeology) and PhD (2005) at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï.  Her doctoral thesis examined the modes of burial and attendant rituals carried out in the Welsh frontier zone during the Roman period. Research interests include the settlement and burial archaeology of Iron Age and Roman Britain and, over the last few years, historic and modern graffiti. She is currently in the process of recording historic graffiti at a number of sites across Wales.
Pollock, K.J. (2018) Book Review, Breeze et al. Understanding Roman Frontiers, Arch. Journal, 175
Pollock, K.J. (2017) ‘Fading voices: historic graffiti and its heritage value’, Transactions of Anglesey Antiquarian Society, 28-48
Pollock, K.J. (2013) Book Review, L. Keppie, ‘The Antiquarian Rediscovery of the Antonine Wall’ Arch. Journal, 170
Pollock, K.J. (2012) Book Review, R. Jackson, ‘Cosmetic Sets of Late Iron Age and Roman Britain’, Arch. Journal, 169
Pollock, K. J. (2006) The Evolution and Role of Burial Practice in Roman Wales, BAR British Series 426
01/10/2019 – 30/06/2020 (Finished)