Miss Marjola Peca
Contact: mrp18fqc@bangor.ac.uk

My research interest is related to stroke rehabilitation, and cognitive decline in ageing. For my PhD, I explore the effect of lateralisation on perceptual biases, aiming to understand whether these biases can be used to assess recovery of visuospatial attention after a hemispheric stroke. In my main project, I test stroke survivors longitudinally, in acute and chronic stages using traditional neuropsychological assessments and a simple visual task that measures perceptual bias. To evaluate the efficiency of the visual task at measuring post-stroke recovery, I compare the participants’ bias between acute and chronic stage.
This research is conducted in collaboration with the Stroke Rehabilitation Units in North Wales (Llandudno, Deeside, Caernarfon). My supervisors are Dr Ayelet Sapir and Dr Giovanni d'Avossa.
Other Grants and Projects
PRIME Award 2024 - Awarded Postgraduate Research International Mobility and Exchange Award from the School of Psychology and Sport Science to fund a 3-month collaborative research with Prof Lisa Tabor Connor at the at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, MO in March 2025.
TAITH Award 2024 - Awarded Welsh Government's International Learning Exchange Programme to fund an additional month of collaborative research with Prof Lisa Tabor Connor at the at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, MO in June 2025.