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PloCC Staff

Prof Thora Tenbrink

a portrait image of Thora-Tenbrink

?Department of Linguistics

Email: t.tenbrink@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Language of place, cognitive discourse analysis, place attachment, climate change, attitudes

Thora Tenbrink?is Professor of Linguistics at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï, who uses linguistic analysis to understand how people think. She is author of ¡°Cognitive Discourse Analysis: An Introduction¡± (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and ¡°Space, Time, and the Use of Language¡± (Mouton de Gruyter, 2007), co-editor of three books on linguistic representation and dialogue, and has published around 40 peer-reviewed journal articles in areas of language and cognition.

Cognitive Discourse Analysis (CODA) means analysing language data collected in relation to thought, such as mental representations of scenes or events, or complex problem-solving processes. Tenbrink¡¯s research uses the methodology in a wide range of interdisciplinary projects, spanning simple as well as highly complex scenarios, and involving diverse kinds of language data such as think-aloud protocols, written representations, dialogue, and much else.

More recently her focus has shifted from spatial language to the language of place, especially in relation to climate change and attitudes towards protecting the places we live in. Climate change happens globally but is felt locally, motivating the need for systematic analysis of the linguistic representation of place(s) in relation to climate change, as part of public and personal discourse, and in relation to local engagement.


Dr Sopan Patil


A portrait image of Dr Sopan Patil


School of Environmental and Natural Sciences


Keywords: Future climate; land use change; hydropower; flood risk

Dr Sopan Patil is Lecturer in Catchment Modelling and Deputy Director of the Places of Climate Change (PloCC) Research Centre at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï. Before joining Îá°®³Ô¹Ï, he did a PhD in Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA and an ORISE post-doctoral fellowship at the US Environmental Protection Agency. Sopan's research focuses on understanding how climate and land-use change will affect the hydrological response of river basins and quantifying the resilience of linked ecosystem services and hydropower generation potential. He has led research projects focusing on the use of large sample modelling, IoT, and machine learning techniques to support management decisions for run-of-river hydropower generation and flood risk mitigation. Through these projects, he has participated in collaborative research and knowledge transfer activities with several external organisations. Sopan is an editorial board member of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association and a member of the NERC Peer Review College.


?to?book a meeting with me during my office hours.

Dr Hayley Roberts

a portrait image of Dr Hayley-Roberts

School of Law

Email: Hayley.roberts@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Law of the sea; international law; ocean policy; cultural heritage; underwater heritage

Dr Hayley Roberts:??

An international lawyer specialising in the law of the sea. Her research is broadly focused on the protection of underwater cultural heritage,?the marine environment and?the law of the sea and climate change.?

Hayley?has recently led?an AHRC/GCRF project on incorporating marine cultural heritage into Tanzania¡¯s National Adaptation Plan for climate change, which could provide economic and cultural benefits for coastal communities, in addition to opportunities for sustainable tourism, by creating the potential to attract financial support from international funds. Hayley is also?Vice Chair of the Board of Commissioners?to the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, and sits on the UK National Committee for the UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.?

Hayley is interested in how cultural heritage is impacted by climate change and?how this feeds into law and policy. She is also interested in the impact of climate change on the ocean more broadly, for instance, the loss of maritime/land territory due to rising sea levels, and whether international legal frameworks?can adequately address these situations.?



Prof Yener Altunbas

a portrait image of Prof Yener-Altunbas

Bangor Business School

Email: y.altunbas@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Efficiency and resilience of Banking system; Regulation; Stock market analysis; Regional economics; Climate change.

Prof Yener Altunba??is a macroeconomist and a Professor of Economics at Bangor Business School, a position he has been holding since 2007. He is also a consultant for the ECB and the BIS. Currently, Prof Altunba? is collaborating on research projects with researchers at the IMF. Author of many articles on the structure and efficiency of banking markets, his research interests include: the study of European banks, efficiency, stock market analysis, corporate governance, electoral studies, regional economics, urban economics, and marine biology.

A vital part of his research focuses on climate changes and environmental issues associated with the financial system. He is presently involved in a MSCA-IF project designed to investigate the involvement of banking system towards reaching a sustainable and green economic system considering the growing environmental and climate issues. In collaboration with ECB researchers, he is also engaged in a project to explore the impact of green regulatory initiatives in banking on the credit-flow towards polluting corporations. He is also conducting a collaborative research to examine Chinese local government officials¡¯ role on the quantity and pricing of debt towards environmentally concerned industry.


Prof Louise M. Hassan

a portrait image of  Prof louise-hassan

Bangor Business School

Email: l.hassan@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Consumers, place attachment, sustainable consumption, risky consumption, attitudes and motivation.

Dr Louise Hassan (ÏôÓÀÕæ)?is a consumer psychologist particularly interested in responsible consumption including understanding risky consumption choices and consumer decision-making regarding ethics and sustainable choices. A further interest lies in information processing and persuasion including how best to utilise tools such as product warnings to inform consumers.? She has undertaken projects evaluating policy interventions such as evaluating the introduction of smoke-free legislation in Scotland and evaluating the European Union¡¯s HELP ¨C for a life without tobacco campaign.? She is currently undertaking an interdisciplinary funded project (over ?450k) examining sustainability issues regarding consumers¡¯ mask wearing choices. Louise¡¯s research most often adopts quantitative methodologies given her statistics background, but she also incorporates qualitative methodologies within her research work.

Louise has published in a wide range of journals across the marketing and public health fields, including?British Journal of Management,?Journal of Business Ethics,?Journal of Business Research,?European Journal of Marketing,?Psychology and Marketing,?Tobacco Control, and?European Journal of Public Health.

Prof Simon Willcock

a portrait image of Prof Simon-Willcock

School of Environmental and Natural Sciences


Keywords: Ecosystem services; Nature¡¯s contributions to people; Tipping points; Climate change; Sustainability

Prof Simon Willcock?is an interdisciplinary scientist, keen on producing real-world outputs that can be applied in numerous policy and business contexts. His particular interests focus on the interactions between people and nature, both in the UK and abroad.

Simon¡¯s projects range across the hard sciences to the arts (e.g. with previous grants from GCRF, NERC, ESRC, and AHRC), but focus on ecosystems services (nature¡¯s contributions to people) and the sustainable use of natural resources in rural and urban areas. To do this, he uses innovative methods, such as??and?. For example, his ESRC-funded??used smartphones (via a ¡®micropayments for microdata¡¯ approach) to conduct weekly surveys on ecosystem services (featuring questions on food and water security, the impact of climate, natural resource use).

Simon is interested in scaling-up social science to better understand the benefits people derive from nature, and how this might change with a changing climate.



Dr Corinna Patterson

a portrait image of  Dr  Corinna-Patterson

School of History Law and Social Sciences

Email: c.patterson@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Globalization, environmental sociology, Community, identity, civic empowerment

Dr Corinna Patterson?is a Lecturer in Sociology, with particular interest in globalization, citizenship community, identity, equality, ¡®race¡¯, environmental Sociology, and geo-politics. Her PhD focused on local and global civic knowledge, engagement and empowerment, looking also at people¡¯s relationship to place, ¡®community¡¯ and notions of belonging.

Corinna has also participated in a WISERD research project looking at civil society in Northwest Wales, exploring people¡¯s relationship to place and community.

Corinna is currently Equality and Diversity Officer for the School and has developed the third-year module entitled ¡®Climate Change and Environmental Politics¡¯. She was the lead supervisor for a successfully-completed KESS II funded PhD which explored the social impact of community renewable energy schemes across Wales.


Dr Liz Morris-Webb

a portrait image of  Liz Morris-Webb

School of Ocean Sciences

Email: harvestingtheseashore@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Marine Ecology, Coastal Activities, Nature

Dr Liz Morris-Webb?is an interdisciplinary Post Doctoral Researcher in the human dimensions of the marine environment. Grounded by seventeen years as a marine ecologist, Liz¡¯s research is inspired by solving conservation conundrums at the interface between people, nature, and place, drawing on the social sciences. She is interested in how and why people interact with the environment, and how these connections with nature can be nurtured to build more resilient coastal communities, environments and conservation policies.

Liz researches how people depend on their coasts, for their identity, sense of place and wider well-being. Her??linked the motivations of foragers and coastal collectors to their well-being: for basic needs, sense of place, belonging and for the experiential dimensions of well-being.? Since then she has been working with coastal resource collectors, fishers, recreational boaters and the wider coastal community to research their connection to nature and their ocean literacy, and how this influences their identity, sense of place, behaviours and their well-being.


Dr Sofie Angharad Roberts

Portrait of Dr Sofie Angharad Roberts

School of Health Sciences


Keywords: community engagement; culture and heritage; well-being and well-becoming; postcolonialism.

Dr Sofie Roberts is a Researcher at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï. Her recent projects involve evaluating community perceptions and involvement in climate projects aiming at low carbon emissions and environmental sustainability, and she has a background in the low carbon sector. Sofie is a management board member of the Places of Climate Change Research Centre and is also staff member at the Centre for Health Economics & Medicines Evaluation (). She is interested in green spaces and wellbeing and the connection between healthy people and planet, and her research is primarily concerned with Wales-based study. Sofie completed her PhD in Media at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï in 2022, analysing Welsh cinema of the last thirty years through the prism of postcolonial theory. She is a Welsh speaker from the foothills of Eryri.


Dr Morwenna Spear

a portrait image of Dr Morwenna Spear

The BioComposites Centre

Email: m.j.spear@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Timber; Structures; Embodied Carbon; Future Climate; Energy Efficiency

Dr Morwenna Spear?is a materials scientist specialising in timber and bio-based materials. Many of her research projects look at extending the service life of timber through environmentally benign methods, or improving the reuse and recycling of wood products.

Morwenna is a research scientist on the Smart Efficient Energy Centre (SEEC) project, working in the Energy Efficient Structures work package to consider reductions of embodied and operational carbon, improved energy efficiency and building design. She also leads research projects developing new technologies for timber modification or processing, and has conducted a large number of desk-based studies on timber markets, emerging timber products, housing trends, modern methods of construction, the role of bio-based materials in future society.

Morwenna is interested in building performance and modelling; hygroscopicity and moisture management to improve thermal efficiency and indoor air quality; and retrofit options for older housing stocks. The buildings we construct now will still be standing in 2100, and exposed to very different climates. Resilient designs are required, but using building systems and materials combinations which have lower embodied carbon.



Dr Einir Young

a portrait image of  Dr Einir-Young

School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences

Email: e.m.young@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: sustainability, well-being, future generations, regenerative tourism, collaboration

Dr Einir Young?is a natural scientist; her career prior to retirement from her role as BU¡¯s Director of Sustainability has taken her to many countries, ranging from America (USA) to Zimbabwe and those in-between (in West, East and southern Africa mainly). The challenges facing all communities are similar ¨C the need for politicians to take a holistic approach to the environment, the economy, society and cultures. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) 2015 Act provides a framework for action.

Einir is now focussing on one project ¨C LIVE an Ireland-Wales Interreg funded project led by UC Cork. She is the PI on this side of the Irish sea, collaborating with Cyngor Gwynedd and the National Trust and heritage sites in Pen Ll?n to co-develop #Ecoamgueddfa, the first ecomuseum in Wales and the first in the world to be digitally driven. The #ecoamgueddfa¡¯s aim is to promote regenerative not extractive tourism, celebrating the area¡¯s natural resource base, language, culture and heritage whilst developing a strong local economy enabling people to continue living in their communities.

She is a Director of Community Energy Wales and Ynni Ll?n; she is deputy Chair of the Academi Heddwch (Peace Academy) and a member of the Independence Commission.


Dr Atiqur Khan

a portrait image of  Dr  Atiqur-Khan

Bangor Business School

Email: a.khan@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Banking system resilience; Regulation; Risk management; Green finance; Climate change.

Dr Atiqur Khan?is a Senior Research Fellow at Bangor Business School. His research broadly focusses on the resilience of financial system (in particular the banking sector) in connection with regulations, risk management, sustainability, climate change, and macroeconomic dynamics. He is currently collaborating with researchers at different institutions including Birmingham University, the UK; Deakin University, Curtin University, Australia; and Xiamen University, Malaysia.

Atiqur is presently involved in a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) project aimed at exploring the roles of banking system in transition towards a sustainable and green economic system on the ground of changing climate and environmental issues. At the same time, the project investigates the resilience of the banking system during such transition process. He is also engaged in a collaborative research exploring the role of local government officials on the credit-flow towards eco-friendly/unfriendly industry in China.

Atiqur¡¯s research interests also include the investigation of macroeconomic impact of renewable energy. He was involved in a FRGS project (awarded by Malaysian Government) to explore the economic feasibility of palm biodiesel and bioelectricity; and their impact on GHG emissions and storage, agricultural prices, agricultural employment, and deforestation focusing on Malaysian agricultural sector.

Dr Matt Lewis

a portrait image of  Dr  Matt-Lewis

School of Ocean Sciences

Email: m.j.lewis@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: Oceanography; Renewable energy; climate change; flood risk; environmental data

Dr Matt Lewis is an oceanographer, with a background in earth systems modelling and extreme events (e.g. how to downscale climate model data to understand future risk?).

Matt is on the NERC Digital Environment Expert Network, CoI to a NERC UK Climate Resilience project on future flood risk (NE/V004239/1) and a EPSRC Research Fellow on Renewable energy (EP/R034664/1). Matt has previously worked on translating Maori folklore to understand tsunami risk resilience and a Welsh Government funded project ¡°Redesigning Resilience: translating ancient knowledge for a resilient future¡±.

Matt is interested in how communities are affected by weather, not climate, and how this knowledge can be used to inform resilience to extreme events ¨C but also provide sustainable and reliable energy systems. Matt would like to explore ideas of improving how we can gather environmental data (biodiversity or natural variability of systems), by translating songs, maps and oral mythology; for example the hidden and devalued data within oral traditions and practices, which can better inform environmental data records.



Dr Sara Parry

a portrait image of  Dr  Sara-Parry

Bangor Business School

Email: s.parry@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: SME Marketing, rural context, place attachment, risky consumption, consumers.

Dr Sara Parry is Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Bangor Business School. Her research focuses on consumer behaviour in various social contexts, specifically risky behaviours such as smoking and binge drinking.

An interest in place attachment, sustainable consumption, and how marketing can be applied to create positive social change led Sara to become a member of PloCC. Since then, she has been involved in collaborative interdisciplinary projects including the examination of young people's place identity and place attachment to the Welsh Slate Landscape, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2021, and their perceptions of sustainable tourism in North Wales. Sara is also interested in climate change communications and how local stakeholders respond to regional renewable energy projects. She has recently undertaken a pilot study to explore Anglesey's residents' perceptions of 'Energy Island' and proposed renewable energy infrastructure developments.





Dr Sonya Hanna

a portrait image of  Dr Sonya-Hanna

Bangor Business School

Email: s.hanna@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: place and destination branding, stakeholder engagement, co-creation, sense of place, place attachment.

Dr Sonya Hanna is a Lecturer in Marketing at Bangor Business School. Her research is place focused considering aspects of the place branding process from various perspectives to include, place and destination branding, stakeholder engagement, the co-creation of place, and brand architecture, and more recently looking at sustainability, sustainable tourism, and places and climate change.? Sonya is interested in expanding her research to consider the effects of climate change and related infrastructural projects on place stakeholders and tourists including their interaction with place, their sense of place and their place attachment.

Sonya sits on the management board for the ¡®Places of Climate Change¡¯ (PloCC) Research Centre at the University, is an editorial board member for the Journal of Place Management and Development, a member of The Scientific Committee for the International Place Branding Association (IPBA), as well as a contributing panel member of The Place Brand Observer.?





Dr Norman Dandy

a portrait image of  Dr Norman-Dandy

Sir Williams Roberts Centre, ?School of Environmental and Natural Sciences

Email: n.dandy@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: environmental sociology; geography; forests; governance; land

Dr Norman Dandy?is a Senior Research Fellow working in the environmental social sciences. His research is focused on forest land and wildlife - in particular, the political, ethical, and cultural relationships between land, people, and forest species that influence management practices. For the last 10 years he has been investigating the social dimensions of tree pests and diseases in the UK, including how forest managers, ¡®policy-makers¡¯ and others are responding to these threats.

Norman is Director of the Sir William Roberts Centre for Sustainable Land Use at Bangor, having previously worked for the Forestry Commission (Forest Research) and Plunkett Foundation. The SWRC aims to provide a framework and forum for interdisciplinary land-based sustainability science across the university and in partnership with external stakeholders.


Ngoc Nguyen

a portrait image of Ngoc-Nguyen

Bangor Business School

Email: abp980@bangor.ac.uk

Keywords: sustainable behaviours, goal settings, emotions, self-control and licensing effect.

Ngoc Nguyen?is currently a PhD candidate in Marketing at Bangor Business School, with a discipline in consumer behaviours.

Ngoc previously worked on projects about sustainability in tourism and management, for example, Education of environmental protection for tourist students, Saving wastes and Potentials of bio-based economy in Vietnam.

Recently, Ngoc has paid more attention on sustainable behaviours under consumers¡¯ perspectives. Her research is now on how to shift consumers¡¯ behaviours to be more sustainable by investigating on drivers related to goal settings, emotions, self-control and licensing effect.






Jago Williams

Portrait image of Jago Williams

Department of Linguistics


Keywords:?language of place, cognitive discourse analysis, platial relations, bilingualism

Jago Williams is a postgraduate researcher in Linguistics.? She has co-authored two journal papers on the language of platial attachment in English and Welsh and the attitudes to climate change expressed on Twitter.? She is interested in exploring place as the socio-cognitive correlate of space, and using linguistic clues to integrate information from natural language data into interdisciplinary place research.

Currently, she is undertaking a PhD in bilingualism, specialising in the syntax-semantics interface and logical reasoning in Welsh/English bilinguals.? Additionally, she is working as a research assistant for PloCC and the Language Attitudes Research Team (L'ART).? Her priorities are the promotion of evidence-based language planning policy and preserving the dignity of vulnerable research participants.