Congratulations on your offer of a place at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï
Congratulations on being accepted to study at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï! We're thrilled to welcome you to our community. Stay connected with us on social media for the latest news, and events. We look forward to meeting you soon and wish you all the best as you get ready for your studies.
Watch our video
0:01 Hello, my name is Peredur Williams and I'm one of the lecturers on the Product Design course here at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï. First, I would like to congratulate you on receiving an offer from us to come and study with us in September.
0:14 I'd like to outline three key things that I think that you should really know about the Product Design course here at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï to help you with your decision making.
0:25 Point number one is this - that we take an approach to our curriculum that is based on individualised learning. What that means is that you will be starting your design career straight from year one. We will coach you and we will help you to get the best out of yourselves.
0:40 There will be opportunities when you can select and choose your own modules and projects, or specific technical skills that you would like to develop. Secondly, most of our projects are live briefs.That means they come directly from companies. That means that you will be working collaboratively with industry, either individually or as a group on projects that have true meaning and true commercial potential.
1:09 My last point, my third point is this that we are the only course in the UK where our students go out on work placements and they go out every year for a period of six weeks. Now the advantage of this is quite clear.
1:22 You get to work within a company, with their designers, with their makers, with the marketing, with all the people involved as a commercial designer and that again makes you a stronger designer once you venture out into the world of work
1:36 and it's one of the main reasons why most of our designers that graduate are highly employable graduates. Other things you will be working within small groups, there's a really good staff to student ratio on our courses,
1:52 the practical element is really strong. I'm in the workshop now, and this is where you'll be spending lots of your time.So if you have any questions, please get in touch. But we hope to see you in September.