Bangor students urged to help Gwynedd fight Covid-19
Cyngor Gwynedd Council Media Release
As Îá°®³Ô¹Ï and the wider community welcomes students back to the area for the beginning of the new academic year, Gwynedd Council is urging students to make sure they are up to speed with the latest Welsh Government Covid-19 rules.
By following the latest Welsh Government Coronavirus regulations, students have a key role to play to keep themselves, their friends and the wider local community safe at a critical time when reported cases of Covid-19 are once again unfortunately on the rise.
Over recent months, Îá°®³Ô¹Ï has put measures in place to ensure that staff and students adhere to Covid restrictions on their premises, but it is just as important that individuals follow Welsh Government guidelines in shops and public places in the wider community.
Councillor Gareth Griffith, Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member for Environment said:
“(Library image)Students have long been a central part of the community in Bangor, and their return will provide a much needed economic boost for the city at this difficult time.
“However, the beginning of term is very different to previous years, and it really is essential that we all continue to play our part to stop the spread of the virus.
“With Coronavirus cases on the increase, and local restrictions in place in a number of locations across the UK, it is now more important than ever before that the student community and the wider community pull together to try to avoid such a situation arising here in Gwynedd.
“As part of this team effort, officers from our public protection team have been in discussions with Îá°®³Ô¹Ï to offer help and advice as required. Our licensing service have also been out and about with colleagues from North Wales Police talking with licensees in the Bangor area to ensure that they are fully aware of the latest regulations so that they can help keep their customers safe.â€
Professor Iwan Davies, Vice-Chancellor of Îá°®³Ô¹Ï said, “As we return to on-campus teaching, we are very much aware of our role in creating the safest possible environment for our students, staff and the wider community. To this end, the University, Students’ Union and students have a Community Commitment to work together through this period.Â
“The University has been communicating with new and returning students about what to expect and their responsibilities to each other, the University and the local community. We will continue to reinforce key Covid-19 guidelines throughout our Welcome programme and as long as necessary, and expect students to play their part.Â
“Naturally things will be very different this year, but we still aim to provide a great overall university experience for students. We are grateful for the strong working relationship between the University and our Students’ Union, and with our community partners at Cyngor Gwynedd, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and others.â€
The effects of the Coronavirus continues to be a threat to us all, so please make sure you follow the rules and good practice:
- always maintain a social distance of 2 metres;
- wash your hands regularly;
- wear a face covering in public indoor areas such as shops or public transport;
- no gatherings of more than six people indoors;
- if you are meeting people from another household, who are not part of your extended household, do so outdoors;
- follow the signs and instructions in place in shops, pubs etc.
Councillor Gareth Griffith added: "We urge everyone to follow the Welsh Government’s latest guidelines and rules in full – don’t forget to take a mask with you when you go out, and make sure you wear it over your nose and mouth if you go into a shop or another establishment.
“Please follow the social distancing measures when you’re in a shop or indoor public space – not doing so will result in the Council having to take action against those establishments.
“As a Council, we don’t take these sorts of steps lightly, so we urge business owners and managers to take the appropriate steps and ask customers to follow the rules. We also ask customers to be respectful of staff at any establishment who ask them to put a face covering on or to follow any other instructions.â€
Stay at home and if you or anyone in your extended household has . If you receive a request from the Test, Trace and Protect Service to self-isolate because you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, it is important that you follow their guidance for the benefit of the whole community.
Follow the latest Welsh Government guidelines on .