Module NHS-4250:
Research Methods
Research Methods 2024-25
School of Health Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Patricia Masterson Algar
Topics may include:
- The scientific method (an overview of review, quantitative and qualitative approaches)
- Secondary data analysis techniques.
- Systematic and Scoping review techniques
- Preparing for ethics and governance submission
- Writing research proposals
- Quantitative and qualitative research approaches and their methods.
- Applied data collection techniques; questionnaire design, interview and observation
- Design, pilot and analyse results from questionnaires, observations and interviews
- Writing up review, quantitative and qualitative research
- Reflexivity and the role of the researcher in qualitative research
- Appropriately using a statistical package (SPSS) to assist with presentation and analysis of quantitative results
- Appropriately applying a range of qualitative techniques/methods to assist with the analysis of qualitative results
Assessment Strategy
Excellent (A) The student has an excellent understanding of the major components of the research process and demonstrates their understanding by selecting a relevant research questions with optimal methods chosen for addressing the question. Writing is clear, logical and informative.
Good (B) The student has a good understanding of the major components of the research process and demonstrates their understanding by selecting a relevant research question with appropriate methods chosen for addressing the question. Writing is clear and informative.
Threshold (C) The student understands the nature of the major components of the research process and demonstrates their understanding by selecting a relevant research question with generally appropriate methods chosen for addressing the question. Writing may lack clarity in places but on the whole is informative
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a research proposal following a standard template.
- Develop an appropriate study design and methodology to examine research questions based on review, quantitative or qualitative approaches
- Formulate and operationalise review, quantitative or qualitative research questions appropriate to a health and social care environment;
- Provide a rationale for choosing and utilising review, quantitative or qualitative research approaches to examine particular research questions;
Assessment method
Assessment type
Part A: Critical Appraisal of Review Approaches (1500 words 30% of your grade) A critical appraisal of two selected papers (Please see the list of Systematic and Scoping Reviews Examples in Learning Pod 2) using the following frameworks as the basis of analysis: (i) Systematic Review: Khan et al (2003) (ii) Scoping Review - Daudt, Mossel & Scott, (2013). Completion of CASP tool for systematic reviews (using the systematic review that was chosen for the first part of the assessment) Your appraisal should include the following sections for each paper: - Detail the rationale for using the approach - Detail the key principles and potential outcomes from using the approach - Detail the sequencing, data collection and analysis methods/techniques used in the approach - Detail the strengths and limitations of using the approach In short, you will: a) read Khan et al (2003) and Daudt, Mossel & Scott, (2013): b) choose one systematic reviews, and one of the following scoping reviews. Please see the list of Systematic and Scoping Reviews Examples in Learning Pod 2. c) compare the framework set out in the either Khan et al (2003) (for the Systematic Review) or Daudt, Mossel & Scott, (2013) (for the Scoping Review) to the approach used in the paper
Due date
Assessment method
Written Plan/Proposal
Assessment type
Develop a research proposal that details the approach, methods and techniques to be used in advancing the selected research question, building on the feedback provided following the PowerPoint presentation assessment. This will be completed using the ‘Assessment Framework’ provided for all students as the proforma to utilise, reflecting a core structure with following dimensions: Proposal Sections Part 1: Description Title Îá°®³Ô¹Ï start date Îá°®³Ô¹Ï end date Principal Investigator 50 words Part 2: Summary Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Summary 250 words Part 3: Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Details Background Brief Rationale The research question or aims and objectives 1200 words Part 4: Approach Îá°®³Ô¹Ï methodology and methods Participants, sample and recruitment including inclusion and exclusion criteria Data Collection Data Analysis Data Management Project Milestones Ethical Considerations and Risk Assessment Dissemination and Outputs 2000 words Part 5: Supporting Documents If appropriate relevant templates attached, such as: CASP PIS/Consent Forms Interview/Survey /Instruments
Due date