Module JXH-4409:
Exercise Psychology
Exercise Psychology 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Ross Roberts
Delivered by researchers and practitioners with over 15 years applied experience, we will cover the following topics: the role of mental skills and confidence in exercising regularly; barriers and motivators for exercise; exercise participation and well-being; motivation and motivationally supportive environments; and counselling for exercise behaviour change. In addition, a student-led approach will be adopted with students researching and verbally presenting material on a chosen topic.
Assessment Strategy
Threshold : Realistic client/group scenario; reasonable knowledge and understanding of chosen theoretical perspective; fair application of chosen theory/theories to practice; some attempt to integrate different theoretical perspectives where more than one is used; some rationale for the intervention given; reasonably concise and succinct writing style with little superfluous material; evidence of some reading/research beyond that given in the reading pack in preparation for the assignment.
Good : Imaginative and realistic client/group scenario; good knowledge and understanding of chosen theoretical perspective; good application of chosen theory/theories to practice; integration of different theoretical perspectives where more than one is used; presentation of a rationale for the intervention; concise and succinct writing style with no superfluous material; evidence of wide reading/research beyond that given in the reading pack in preparation for the assignment.
Excellent : Highly imaginative and realistic client/group scenario; excellent knowledge and understanding of chosen theoretical perspective; insightful application of chosen theory/theories to practice; very clear integration of different theoretical perspectives where more than one is used; explicit presentation of a rationale for the intervention; extremely concise and succinct writing style with no superfluous material; evidence of considerable reading/research beyond that given in the reading pack in preparation for the assignment.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically understand the major barriers and motivators for exercise
- Critically understand the role of exercise in the promotion of well-being
- Demonstrate a familiarity with a chosen area of exercise psychology
- Develop a deep and critical understanding of how self-determination theory can be applied to exercise contexts
- Develop a deep and critical understanding of how to create an environment that fosters motivation for exercise behaviour change
- Identify relevant aspects of mental skills and understand their influence on self-confidence
Assessment method
Group Presentation
Assessment type
A verbal presentation in pairs
Due date
Assessment method
Case Îá°®³Ô¹Ï
Assessment type
Present a case study of a psychological intervention
Due date