Module JXH-4402:
App Int SHES
Applied Interventions in Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Julian Owen
Part 1 (Semester 1) of this module will help you create a portfolio, identifying and developing practitioner competencies related to client support and reflecting on your development. Delivery will include (i) Lectures/Workshops on generic topics related to applied practice, (ii) Supervisory Tutorials with a discipline-specific academic. This process will be supported by your supervisor and group progress reviews.
Part 2 (Semester 2) of this module will involve completing a client needs analysis with an evidence-based plan for an intervention based on your findings. In preparation for this client work we will have a series of lectures on topics such as the needs analysis, how to develop rapport and listen to clients, evidence-based practice. This process will be supported by your supervisor and group progress reviews.
Part 1 content: - Sport and exercise science practitioner competencies, goal setting to improve professional competencies, reflective practice in practitioner development, ethical approaches to supporting clients, equality and diversity in sport and exercise science practice.
Part 2 content - The needs analysis process, getting to know your client, evidence-based practice in sport and exercise science. Part 2 will also involve completing a supervised needs analysis with a client and presenting a coherent and critical evaluation of this work and proposed intervention. This process will be supported by your supervisor and additional whole group progress reviews.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Part 1A one-page assessment of current experience and applied competencies including overall goals during the academic year is presented. Goal sheets are clearly presented, and there is some link between levels claimed and supporting evidence. An accurate list of workshops, activities and supervisory meetings attended is presented. Reflections on workshops, other activities and supervisory process completed. There may be some errors or problems with organisation or clarity of writing, or a general lack of depth in structuring the goal sheets and reflections.Part 2A needs analysis and intervention is presented, the outcome of the intervention is evaluated, and some self-evaluation reflection is present. There is some critical evaluation of the intervention and its outcome with appropriate reference to the literature, although in places references may be missing, or discussion may be superficial. There may be many errors or problems with organisation or clarity of writing, or a general lack of thoroughness. -good -Part 1A one-page assessment of current experience and applied competencies including overall goals during the academic year. Goal sheets are clearly presented, and there is a good link between levels claimed and supporting evidence. An accurate list of workshops, activities and supervisory meetings attended is presented. Reflections on workshops, other activities and supervisory process completed. There is good organisation, structure and clarity to the goal sheets, there will be evidence of some depth in the content of the goal sheets and reflections.Part 2A needs analysis and intervention is presented with good detail, the outcome of the intervention is evaluated, and self-evaluation reflection is present. There is generally good critical evaluation of the intervention and its outcome, with appropriate reference to the literature and good discussion of the important literature. There may be some errors or problems with organisation or clarity of writing, or in places discussion could be more thorough. -excellent -Part 1In addition to meeting the 'good' criteria, there is evidence of additional effort and/or mastery of the material. Following are some examples of such evidence: the report is succinct, organised and presented to an excellent standard; reference to the literature is particularly thorough, with in-depth discussion when appropriate (and without irrelevant discussion!). Issues raised in the report will be presented with a high degree of clarity and will demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the subject area. Reflections will be extensive, detailed, and particularly insightful. Part 2In addition to meeting the 'good' criteria, there is evidence of additional effort and/or mastery of the material. Following are some examples of such evidence: the report is well-organised and clearly presented; reference to the literature is particularly thorough, with in-depth discussion when appropriate (and without irrelevant discussion!). For further progress in this grade band, the report will be exceptionally well organised and presented. Issues raised in the report will be presented with a high degree of clarity and will demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the subject area. Reflections on the work conducted during the case study will be extensive, detailed, and particularly insightful.
Learning Outcomes
- Coherently and critically presented integration of scientific knowledge within support work.
- Plan, initiate and evaluate an appropriate personal programme of development.
- Provide an evidence based account of achievements and activities over Semester 1.
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Due date
Assessment method
Case Îá°®³Ô¹Ï
Assessment type
Case study
Due date