About This Course
Conservation is researched from the genetic to global scales, with a strong emphasis on new approaches to biodiversity assessment, disturbance impacts, invasive species, restoration of degraded habitats and human perceptions and values.
Research Areas
Biodiversity Conservation with specialisations in:
- Impact and management of invasive species
- Biodiversity
- Conservation Science
For more information on our staff interests see the
Research Opportunities
Please read the and select your topic from the of PhD research opportunities. Topics are listed by academic School and are based on the research interests of academic staff.
Programme Length
PhD: 3 years full-time or 5 years part-time; MPhil: 2 years full-time or 3 years part-time
Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Overseas
We offer 'split' PhD/MPhil programmes for international students with part of the study taking place in the student's own country or a third country. Many of our British and other European students also carry out fieldwork overseas for their research.
UK Research Councils (UK students only); Foreign and Commonwealth Office (via British Council); European Union; University scholarships (UK students only); Overseas Research Student scheme; Charities and Trusts; Commonwealth Scholarships; International agencies; Overseas Government Scholarships.
Entry Requirements
A first degree or MSc in a relevant subject is required.