My research interests are based on bringing together strands and ideas from my 40 years of experience in fostering collaborations across boundaries. A number of research projects currently underway and in the planning stages take advantage of the great opportunities that I find in my present position as Director of the Confucius Institute at Îá°®³Ô¹Ï, including research collaborations with many colleagues across a wide range of disciplines within Bangor; in our partner university, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, where I am a Visiting Professor in Humanities Science; and with co-workers mainly within the global network of Confucius Institutes.
I have always been a person of 'interfaces', and see myself as in some way a designer and engineer of ideas. During a number of years of scientific research in academic and corporate industry, I was always stretching from one field into others – from chemistry to physics, or from fundamental research to industrial application. Since 1973 I have been looking both ways across the interface of academia and industry, finding that collaboration needs not only understanding and a sympathetic ear but the availability of willing interpreters to 'translate' these worlds and thus help to bring them together. Since 1997, my 'interfacing' has included the exciting challenge to bridge the arts and science, culture and economy, including an inherent need to 'valorise' the impact of academic expertise, research skills and facilities to organisations outside academe. Recently, I have been exploring various ideas around this theme, including 'creativity transfer' and 'physical idiometry', which are explained in some of the attached papers and presentations, and references in the CV (click here to see David Joyner's CV)
I am attracted by the opportunities to work with 'catholic', broad groupings, to learn from colleagues with very different background knowledge and experience. This has found fruition in my development of many European Union Structural Funds-supported projects involving many countries and in disparate fields such as green economy, innovation eco-system, music, creativity and doctoral education. The considerable distance between our Western European world and China (contemporary and ancient) provides a great opportunity to learn new insights, to synthesise these into new ways of working and to build a greater understanding between our peoples. By the way, along the road we will gain a greater understanding of ourselves and of our potential in this globally-reaching, exciting but uncertain age.
Dr David Joyner: Statement in Mandarin
Publication list and projects
1/ Creativity Transfer: Expertise Pooling & Amplification for a Knowledge Economy, 2011
David J. Joyner, Erik P. M. Vermeulen, Christoph F. Van der Elst, Diogo Pereira Dias Nunes and Wyn Thomas
2/ Just the Job for the Job of Life: A case study to inform a China-UK education-based dialogue
David J. Joyner
3/ Homo Sapiens Insapiens - Lecture given of the Only Human symposium, Bangor Confucius Institute, 22 April 2015
David J. Joyner
4/ Best Practice Guide TESLA (Transnational Ecosystems Laboratory & Actions)
David J. Joyner - Tesla Best Practice Leader
5/ How technology can influence museum visitor experience: A parameter-mapping approach to individual and group response optimisation.
Published in University Press 'St Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia, Bulgaria', Annual book,Tome 7, 2015, pp281-291.
Collaborative projects
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)
List of KTP projects for which funds were successfully secured by David Joyner.