Telephone calls*
- Telephone calls to should be answered bilingually (Bore da, Prifysgol Bangor / Bore da John Jones etc.)
- The Welsh Language Standards require us to make it explicit that a Welsh language service is available. It is, therefore, recommended that staff say: Fyddech chi’n hoffi derbyn y gwasanaeth yma yn Gymraeg? / Would you like to receive this service in Welsh?
- If a caller wishes to speak Welsh, the call must be dealt with in Welsh as far as possible, until it becomes necessary to transfer the call to a non-Welsh speaking member of staff as no Welsh speaking member of staff is available to provide a service on that specific subject matter.
- When advertising telephone numbers, you must state that the University welcomes calls in Welsh (Mae croeso i chi gysylltu gyda’r Brifysgol yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg / You are welcome to contact the University in Welsh or English).
- Central and departmental answering machines messages will be bilingual and will explicitly state that it is possible to leave a message in Welsh.
- Automated telephone services must be available bilingually.
- Welsh speaking students (as recorded in Banner) should be called by Welsh speaking members of staff whenever possible.
- When you call members of the public / representatives of public bodies in Wales for the first time, ask what language they would like to use on the phone when dealing with the matter in hand and keep a record of this.
- Language preferences for telephone calls should be respected as calls are transferred between individuals / departments. If transferring a call, please let the other member of staff know that the call has been conducted in Welsh to that point.
* these guidelines refer to calls in relation to University services
Policy Overview
- Îá°®³Ô¹Ï Welsh Language Policy
- Code of Practice for Staff Appointments
- 10 Principles
- Quick Guide
- Comments and Complaints